Bookish and Not So Bookish Thoughts 2

Bookish and Not So Bookish Thoughts is “a list of whatever has been on your mind this week, bookish and not so bookish”. It is hosted by Bookishly Boisterously weekly.

1. I am writing this while at home, in bed because I woke up this morning feeling awful. I am not sure it it is the probiotics I have been trying for the past week or just another bout with the stomach flu, but my stomach is regecting whatever I put in it yesterdays. No more probiotics for me. Hoping I will feel better this evening and be ready for work in teh morning. Until then I am staying in bed, prone, watching Law and Order SVU reruns with my laptop.

2. I am at the tail end of Hyperbole and a Half by Allie Bosh. It is great, but I didn’t realize that so much of the material is from her blog was reprinted for the book. I have already seen/read half of it – argh.


3. Going Clear: Scientology, Hollywood & the Prison of Belief by Lawrence Wright is waiting for me at the library. I am excited to pick it up this weekend. Let the obsession with Scientology continue!

4. In the past month, Ace had added the sayings “that’s funny” and “right there” to his repitoure. Everytime you ask him where something is in a book he replies, “right there”. And it turns out that Ace finds most of things we do amuzing, if there is any indictation by how much he says “that’s funny”.


5. We took Ace to the Children’s Museum this past weekend. We had a great time, but I couldn’t help notice how all of the parents were dressed to the nines. This was a Saturday, mind you, so I can’t attribute it to people coming straight from church. Also, turn out the rest of women my age in Denver got Sorel boots for Christmas too. Good thing they come in so many styles.

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